Day 1 of the Bootcamp; Monday 6th of June, 2022.

A meeting was held at 9 pm. Highlights of the meeting are: • Brief introduction of each team member. • Address by the team lead and a warm welcome of the team to the boot camp. • Outline of the week's Project • Agreement on the type of product our project will be based on.

Day 2 of the Bootcamp; Tuesday 7th of June, 2022.

Turned out to be that sourcing datasets is not as easy as we thought. During the meeting we had the night before, we agreed we'll analyze the sales of an FMCG product in Nigeria, but after using the whole day to search and did not find any dataset we could work with, plans changed. We went for a service product sales data; NETFLIX. We also couldn't get their sales dataset anywhere, but we got their Financial statements, and through that, we extracted necessary sales information by manually copying it from the pdf file to paste it into an excel sheet. We had a meeting that night to share our personal experiences on data sourcing throughout the day. The team lead then grouped the team into 2 groups, the first group to build a Microsoft Excel dashboard, while the second group to build the Power BI dashboard.

Day 3 of the Bootcamp: Wednesday 8th of June, 2022

A few teammates experienced difficulties in cleaning the dataset before they could start visualization. The team lead explained & showed them how to get it done, and they went back to work on it. The agreement within the team was for all members to build a dashboard while the best will be chosen for the final submission of the project.

Day 4-7 of the Bootcamp: Thursday 9th - Sunday 12th of June, 2022

These last 4 days of week 1 were majorly for the creation of the dashboards for both Power BI & Microsoft Excel. Members of each group worked on it and submitted it, after which the final dashboard was chosen

Netflix PBI Team 5.jpg Microsoft Power BI Dashboard by the team

Netflix Excel Team 5.jpg Microsft Excel Dashboard by the team